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The POLYTECH Implant Surfaces



POLYTECH Smooth Shell surface

The first silicone breast implants had a smooth shell surface. Smooth surface is still in use today all over the world. The POLYTECH smooth surface is called POLYsmoooth™.
POLYTECH smooth shell surface has an advanced shell construction with a smooth surface. Available in a round shape and 4 projections: Low, Moderate, High and Extra High



Fine microtextured Shell Surface

The MESMO® fine microtextured implant shell surface is appreciated for its properties and ease of use which allows MESMO® to be utilised for a variety of indications.
Available in round and anatomical implant shapes, and in 4 projections: Low, Moderate, High and Extra High. 

MESMO® fine microtextured shell combines the benefits of both smooth and textured surfaces. The capsular contracture rates for MESMO® surface is low3. 



Micro-polyurethane Shell coating

Microthane® is the proprietary name for POLYTECH's micro-polyurethane foam covered implant shell. 

Microthane® implants are designed to:

  • Act as a ‘tissue scaffold’

  • Facilitate tissue ingrowth and integration to enhance implant stability

  • Minimise capsular contracture and reduce seroma

  • Deliver stable, predictable and long-lasting results that provide beautiful natural looking breasts

Microthane® – difference you can feel

What is the difference between POLYTECH Microthane® implants and traditional silicone implants?

This creates a 3D open pore matrix which acts like an internal tissue scaffold with a specific mode of action.  

Following implantation, the contact area between the implant cover and the surrounding tissue provides a tissue favouring transition layer into which the natural healing process develops, creating maximum adherence between the implant and the tissue.

Bio-favouring implant shell coating

Progressively, over the course of several weeks, the implant’s Microthane® cover will fill with healthy and highly vascularized tissue, allowing the body’s immune system to be active at the very surface of the implant.

This reduces the risk of capsular contracture, device rotation and displacement.
Simulation of progressive tissue ingrowth into the Microthane® surface.



Micro-polyurethane Shell coating

B-Lite  MESMO  and B-Lite  Microthane  lightweight breast implants represent an innovative and unique addition to the POLYTECH portfolio. Experienced B-Lite  surgeons report that B-Lite  provides a more natural and predictable result over time*. Helping you achieve better surgical outcomes, deliver excellent patient results and help you differentiate your practice.

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